social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility Statement and Commitment

1. Social Responsibility Statement

As a world-renowned supplier of tungsten powder, cemented carbide and cutting tools, Xiamen Jinlu has been committed to the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility. We firmly believe that providing a healthy, comfortable, free and progressive working and living environment, combined with a good training system, is conducive to employee innovation, technological innovation and enterprise development.

As a responsible company, we implement the "safety first" action policy, take preventive measures to reduce safety risks, and ensure long-term effective and sustainable development in corporate social responsibility, business ethics, occupational health and safety, labor human rights, energy management, sustainable procurement, etc.

In order to improve suppliers' awareness of corporate social responsibility, the following principles and requirements are listed according to our social responsibility guidelines and policies, and suppliers and partners are required to exercise self-discipline according to these principles and requirements and jointly establish a legal and compliant supply chain.

2. the Company makes the following commitments:

1. All business activities shall follow the principles of good faith and fairness, abide by applicable laws and regulations, and be carried out in accordance with the local business habits; any form of illegal or illegal behavior is prohibited.

2. Never use child labor and prohibit forced labor, and do not accept any suppliers or subcontractors who use child labor or forced labor.

3. Comply with the laws and standards on slavery and human trafficking in all locations, never allow any business activities that constitute human trafficking or slavery, and commit to a zero tolerance policy on human trafficking and slavery.

4. Respect workers' freedom and fundamental human rights, and prohibit any form of forced labor and any form of humiliation.

5. Provide safe and hygienic working and living conditions to ensure the safety and health of employees.

6. Promote labor-management cooperation and respect employees' freedom of association and collective bargaining rights in accordance with the law.

7. Provide reasonable wages and benefits, at least in accordance with the benefits of national laws to pay employees.

8. Provide an equal and fair working environment and prohibit any form of discrimination.

9. Reasonable arrangement of production plans, reasonable arrangement of workers' working hours and rest and vacation.

10. To protect women's rights and interests, women enjoy equal employment opportunities with men, except for jobs or positions that are not suitable for women as stipulated by law. It is forbidden to arrange female workers to engage in taboo labor stipulated by local laws.

Comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards and comply with local environmental management.

12. Make every effort within the control and influence of the company to ensure that suppliers meet social responsibility requirements.

13. Take timely corrective and remedial measures for any non-conformity that violates corporate social responsibility.