Xiamen Golden Egret Launches Dealer Employee Growth Plan - Application Technology Training (Central China) Phase 1

【Brief description】 As a core member of the industry chain, distributors have multiple functions such as cargo storage, information feedback, product promotion, and business maintenance for upstream companies, which directly affect the strategic layout of upstream companies. In order to help dealers develop and grow better and deepen dealers' understanding of Golden Egret products, our company specially launched a dealer employee growth plan, and held the application technology training course (Central China) from July 19th to July 23rd. Phase one.

As a core member of the industry chain, distributors have multiple functions such as cargo storage, information feedback, product promotion, and business maintenance for upstream companies, which directly affect the strategic layout of upstream companies. In order to help dealers develop and grow better and deepen dealers' understanding of Golden Egret products, our company specially launched a dealer employee growth plan, and held the application technology training course (Central China) from July 19th to July 23rd. Phase one.



  This training course has received strong support from central China, and more than 30 dealer employees signed up to participate.

  Before the formal training, the trainees were introduced to the company and led a tour of the Tongan factory to promote the dealers' understanding of our company's development history and product processing process.




The training course mainly focuses on the basics of cutting tool processing and the introduction of our cutting tool products, so that the trainees have a more comprehensive and systematic understanding of Xiamen Golden Egret products. During the training, the trainees spoke enthusiastically, sought answers from the lecturers present in combination with the problems encountered in the distribution process, and actively discussed and communicated after the class.



After 5 days of training, a total of 1 outstanding team, 1 best student, and 6 outstanding students were selected. On the afternoon of July 23, the award-winning students were awarded and commended.



Through the application of technical training for dealers' employees, the knowledge reserves for dealers' employees to promote Golden Egret products, improve the level of corresponding product marketing and technical services, enrich theoretical knowledge, and provide a platform for dealers to communicate with each other. , take this opportunity to forge a precious friendship.

Jin Geng Terminal, a coroner, Xiamen Golden Egret attaches great importance to the contribution of every distributor partner, and in the face of the ever-changing market development, will go hand in hand with all partners to achieve win-win cooperation!